

太阳2平台(“学院”),您的隐私对我们非常重要。, 我们致力于保护您的个人信息. 简单的说, 我们的政策是在您访问我们的网站时不收集您的个人身份信息,除非您主动选择向我们提供此类信息. 本隐私声明概述了我们如何收集, 使用和/或分享我们网站收集的信息. 请将有关我们隐私声明的问题发邮件至 info@vitower.com.

I. 收集的信息

During your visit to our 网站, we may collect and store some technical information. This is information automatically collected when you 使用 the Website, 比如你的位置, your activity on the Website such as the domain name of your Internet provider, 你访问哪些页面, and the time and duration of your stay and includes other information collected via cookies, 网络信标, 或者其他技术.


个人, identifying information about you is collected and stored when you provide it voluntarily—for example, when you fill out and submit a web form or send us an email expressly containing such information. This information is 使用d to provide you with more targeted information about the College or its programs.


Companies that provide services to us—including companies that assist with payment processing, 网站, 用户, 业务分析, 数据处理, 账户管理, 广告, 和其他服务-可能会在网站上收集信息. 然而, our agreements with these service providers limit the types of information these companies collect, 他们如何收集, 以及他们如何使用它. 本网站内容可通过其他互联网网站或其他公司运营的其他平台进行链接. Websites and platforms like these may be co-branded with our name or logo, 但它们不是由我们操作或维护的, and we are not responsible for the privacy practices of the 网站s or platforms operated by third parties. 您应查看其他网站或平台的隐私政策,以确定其如何处理从您那里收集的或太阳2注册平台您的任何信息.


我们不会与公司分享个人信息, organizations and individuals outside of the College unless one of the following circumstances applies: (1) With your consent (we require opt-in consent for the sharing of any sensitive personal information); (2) For external processing (personal information is provided to our affiliates or other trusted businesses or persons to process it for us, based on our instructions and in compliance with the College’s 隐私声明 and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures); (3) For legal reasons (personal information with companies, organizations or individuals outside of the College if we have a good-faith belief that access, 使用, preservation or disclosure of the information is reasonably necessary to: (a) meet any applicable law, 监管, legal process or enforceable governmental request; (b) enforce applicable Terms of Service, including investigation of potential violations; (c) detect, 防止, 或者解决欺诈问题, security or technical issues; and (d) protect against harm to the rights, 保护学院的财产和安全, 我们的用户或法律要求或允许的公众).


本网站不面向13岁以下的儿童, does not sell products or services intended for purchase by children, 并且不会故意收集或存储任何个人信息, 即使在总量上, 太阳2注册平台13岁以下的儿童. We encourage parents and teachers to be involved in children’s Internet explorations. 当孩子被要求在网上提供个人信息时,父母引导孩子尤为重要.

II. 技术聚合器


优化您的网络体验, we may store small amounts of information on your computer through the 使用 of “cookies.饼干是储存在你电脑互联网浏览器中单独文件中的小块信息. 饼干 store information about your activities on a 网站 or other platform. 例如, cookie可以存储您的会话信息,以便轻松登录到您以前访问过的网站或其他平台. 它们使我们能够使您更愉快地使用本网站. cookie是我们存储这类信息的一种方式. 我们还可能使用cookie和类似的技术来关联您对我们从您或信誉良好的第三方处获得的网站的使用, 并汇编汇总数据. Our 网站 does not require that you grant us the right to store cookies on your computer. 如果你选择不去, simply consult the documentation provided with your web browser to turn off the “accept cookies” feature.


The College 使用s technologies that communicate information from your Internet browser or to a web server, 包括所谓的“像素标签”,“网络信标。,“清理动图。,或类似的手段(集体), “像素标签”). 像素标记, 哪些可以嵌入到网页中, 视频, 或电子邮件, can allow a web server to read certain types of information from your browser, check whether you have viewed a particular web page or email message, 并确定, 除此之外, 查看像素标签的时间和日期, 您计算机的IP地址, 以及查看像素标签的网页的URL. 我们使用像素标签来改善您的体验, 包括为您提供根据您的兴趣定制的内容.


The College also collects anonymous information related to your age group, gender and interests through a service by Google® called 谷歌分析. 谷歌分析是一款专门收集数据的软件, 其中可以包括你访问过的其他网站, 访问其他网站的时间, 你正在使用的电子设备的类型等等. 这些信息仅用于让我们更好地了解我们的网站是如何被使用的,并帮助我们使网站对像您这样的访问者更有用. 它永远不会被用来识别你. 如果您希望保留这些信息,您可以选择退出 谷歌®广告跟踪cookie 或使用浏览器插件来 选择退出所有谷歌分析跟踪软件.

3. 使用连结

本网站包含其他非大学网站的链接. The College is not responsible for the privacy practices and/or the content of such 网站s. Please be sure to check the individual privacy policies of those sites. 学院也不对学院的商业合作伙伴和/或其网站的隐私做法和/或内容负责, 即使学校的品牌出现在他们的页面上. The College is not responsible for any information collected by such 网站s.

IV. 使用网站文字和图片

The Website comprises and contains intellectual property protected materials. 功能,http://The x98.vitower.com/和其他太阳2平台的标志, 图形, 标志, 文本和脚本是知识产权授权的, 学院发明和/或拥有的(“受保护内容”). 未经许可使用受保护的内容是严格禁止的,并可能导致侵犯学院的知识产权. If you would like to publish information that you find on our Website, 或者使用我们的标志或图像, 请将您的请求发送到 communications@vitower.com.

V. 私隐声明的修订

学院可能需要不时更改此声明,以解决新问题并反映我们网站上的变化. We will post changes here so that you know what information we gather, 我们如何使用这些信息, 以及我们是否会将这些信息泄露给任何人. 本声明的更改和修改将在我们在本网站发布更改和修改后立即生效.

VI. 可访问性

www.hmc.Edu网站旨在方便残障人士访问,并遵守有关无障碍的联邦指导方针. If you have suggestions on how to make the site more accessible, please contact us at info@vitower.com.

7. 数字千年版权法案(DMCA)

It is the policy of Harvey Mudd College (“College”) to respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement, in compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and other applicable laws. 本页描述了如何送达侵权材料通知,以及如果你在任何学院网站上放置了任何材料该怎么做, 包括万维网.hmc.埃杜成了这样一个通知的对象.

Before serving either a Notice of Infringing Material or a Counter-Notification, you may wish to contact a lawyer to better understand your rights and obligations under the DMCA and other laws. 以下通知要求旨在遵守学院在DMCA下的权利和义务,不构成法律建议.

我们对这些通知的回应可能包括删除或禁止访问声称是侵权活动主题的材料和/或终止订阅者. If we remove or disable subscriber access in response to such a notice, we will make a good-faith attempt to contact the owner of the affected site, 或受影响的材料或帖子的上传者, 这样他们就可以做一个反通知. We may also document notices of alleged infringement on which we act. 你的投诉也将被记录在案. A copy of the legal notice may be sent to one or more third parties who may then make it available to the public.


通过使用我们的一些服务, 您可以授权其他客户复制您上传到这些服务或网站的特定部分的作品. 请检查任何最终用户许可协议, 在您和被指控侵权人都是同一服务的客户或订阅者的任何情况下发布的任何协议和任何服务条款, since you may have granted a license for some or all 使用s of your works at that College site.

如果您是版权所有者或其代理人,并且您认为学院网站上的任何内容或链接侵犯了您的版权, 您可以通过向我们的版权代理提供以下书面信息,根据《太阳2注册平台》(“DMCA”)提交通知:

  • 您的物理或电子签名;
  • Identification of the copyrighted work or works claimed to have been infringed;
  • Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing that copyrighted work, and URLs or similar information sufficient to permit us to locate that material on our 网站s and services;
  • 允许学院代理与您联系的信息:您的地址, 电话号码及电邮地址;
  • 一份声明,表明您真诚地相信以投诉的方式使用该材料未得到版权所有者的授权, 其代理人, or the law; and
  • 声明通知中的信息是准确的, 并以伪证罪处罚, 你是它的主人, or are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright that is allegedly infringed.



太阳2平台,301普拉特大道,克莱蒙特,CA 91711
电子邮件: helpdesk@vitower.com
电话: 909.607.4449

只有DMCA通知应该发给我们的DMCA版权代理. You acknowledge that if you fail to comply with all of the requirements listed, 您的DMCA通知可能无效.


一些大学服务没有账户持有人或订阅者. For services that do, College will, in appropriate circumstances, terminate repeat infringers. If you believe that an account holder or subscriber is a repeat infringer, 请按照上述指示与学院的代理联系,并提供足够的信息,以便我们核实帐户持有人或订阅者已被确定多次违反DMCA.


在某些情况下,学院服务之一的用户上传或张贴了上述确定的材料,可以提供反通知. 受影响的网页或网站的所有者在学院的一个服务, 或我们某项服务上受影响内容的提供商可根据《太阳2注册平台》第512(g)(2)和(3)条提出反通知. When we receive a counter-notification, we may rein状态 the posts or material in question.

向我们提交反通知, 您必须提供书面通信(通过普通邮件或电子邮件),说明DMCA要求的所有项目. 请注意,如果您实质性地歪曲内容或活动没有侵犯他人的版权,您可能要承担损害赔偿责任. If you are not sure whether certain material infringes the copyrights of others, 我们建议你先联系律师.
